Kenya Film Classification Board (KFCB) Chief Executive Dr. Ezekiel Mutua has lashed out at former NTV news anchor Larry Madowo following his take on the banned Kenyan lesbian themed film ‘Rafiki’
“ is a successful journalist but he is no paragon of virtue. He has no moral authority to lecture anyone about life, family or Godliness. Get a wife Chief and settle down! There is more to life than money and the glory of a byline. Values that are rooted in godliness, family and cultural heritage are the basis of great nations and great people. The rest is hype and hoopla ,” he said.
Trouble started after Larry sent out a tweet with a link to his opinion piece on the Washington Post which he captioned,” Kenya banned Wanuri Kahiu's film Rafiki. She got a standing ovation at Who's laughing now?”
In the article titled ‘Kenya’s homophobia is not only dangerous thing about the ban on ‘Rafiki’, Larry Madowo blasted the KFCB and Ezekiel Mutua of not seeing the bad in holding on to discriminatory practices that have been long forgotten.
He added that KFCB which is supposed to classify domestic and foreign movies had now become the official moral censorship vehicle.
Rafiki was banned in Kenya in April but was selected to show case at the Cannes Film Festival in France.