Jubilee Christian Church (JCC) Bishop’s Rev. Allan Kiuna and Kathy Kiuna are holidaying in Australia with GrandaPa duties on their shoulders.
The word ministers are on a family vocation in Perth Australia, where Bishop Allan Kiuna is playing the Grandpa role very well.
Going by the Video and Photos shared by Rev. Kathy Kiuna, an excited Allan is seen strapped with his granddaughter Amanda as he tours around Perth in company of his entire family.
According to Rev. Kathy her husband is playing along well, with the responsibilities of looking after their grandchildren.
s scheduled. He’s doing well. Actually beyond well. Nimepigwa na mshangao” reads Rev.Kathy Kiuna’s post
Kiuna’s daughters Vanessa and Stephanie have mixed race children who are now spending some quality time with their grand Parents.