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This simple chicken biryani recipe is a definite must try

Kenyan style chicken biryani
Kenyan style chicken biryani


Boneless chicken breasts


Plain yoghurt




Curry powder

Chicken stock




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1.Slice the chicken breasts into thin strips.

2.Boil the rice in a sufuria. Add oil, salt and turmeric – for that nice yellow color.

2.In a bowl, add the chicken breasts, yoghurt, curry powder, cinnamon and salt. Mix let it to marinate for at least an hour.

3.Heat butter in a sufuria under low heat. Add onions and cook until golden brown.

4.Add garlic and ginger and cook for 1 minute or less. Add the chicken and all the marinade plus the salt into the mixture.

5.Reduce the heat, cover and cook for about 5 minutes.

6.Add the rice and stir the mixture. Pour the chicken stock over the mixture. Cover and simmer for 4 minutes until the rice is soft.

Serve and enjoy.

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