Making the decision to quit your job is not an easy one to make – especially considering the high rate of unemployment in the country at the moment.
It is better off sticking to a job that you do not like other than not having one in the first place – right?
While the fear of the unknown future may be scary, certain circumstances may force one to move on from their job and according to Lifehack these are 5 signs to consider a job change.
1.You complain about your job all the time
It’s not unusual to complain about your job – no workplace is perfect – but if you find yourself complaining all the time without finding a solution to your complaints then it may be time to move on.
2.You dread going to work everyday
Your Monday blues prolong throughout the week and even go on for months while at your job. Despite everything you’ve done to try switch up the routine or take on different challenges at work, the situation remains as is.
3.Your health is at stake
If you’re drastically losing weight or having constant anxiety and panic attacks from stress at your workplace then it may be time to consider leaving your job.
4.You’re not growing
If you’ve been at the same position for years without any form of promotion or change from the first time you stepped into your workplace then you are justified to get a new job.
5.The work environment at your job sucks
Your boss is always trying to bring you down or the overall workplace environment is always negative. This in return is affecting your performance and you’re not able to put your all into what you do.
Not enough signs, here are 2 more signs:
6.You feel underappreciated
It is one thing to feel like part of the team, it is also another to feel ignored and overlooked. When you've heard enough, you will not need to seek any advice, you will come to the conclusion all by yourself.
7.You're being underpaid
It is quite possible that you are in a role that you are overqualified for. They are paying you peanuts because you accepted the offer. It really is up to you to prove your worth to them, otherwise, move on to the next company.
Remember this: It is wise to have a back up plan before deciding to up and leave your job. After all, hooray Capitalism!