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Women reveal petty but hilarious reasons why they won't date a guy

So, the other day I came across a social media post asking women to comment on some of the pettiest reasons why they will not date someone and the answers were hilarious.

I’m not sure if some of the women were commenting for fun or they were being serious but some of the answers were literally beyond petty. I feel like it’s okay to have some standards and relationship red flags but it’s important to be able to look past some of those red flags and pet peeves. Say for instance, if you meet the man of your dreams but he’s the same height as you or is shorter than you, you will not date him because of his height? If that was the case, men like Kevin Hart would die single hehe no? My point is, you could stay single because of some of the standards you’re setting, but now that I have made that clear, here are some of the petty reasons why women will not date a guy.

1. He grows long nails and they’re unkempt.

First of all, who told men that growing the pinky finger is sexy? It’s disgusting, it looks nasty and looks like a germ harboring machine. As a man, your fingers need to be p**sy friendly. Leave the long nails to the ladies.

2. Dirty sneakers.

Believe it or not, this was on the list. I think this one, not to generalize, so pardon me y'all, applies to the white folks in Africa. What’s with the dirty shoes? You’ll see a white guy in sneakers that look like they have been through a battlefield and survived all sorts of horror at a bank queue on a Monday morning. The first thing many women notice about men is their shoes so if your shoes look dirty, that’s probably an indication of a guy whose grooming is wanting.

3. Bad breath.

This one is totally understandable. There’s a serious Halitosis problem in this city. And, people with bad breath almost always have something to whisper to you be it in a queue, matatu or something. Gosh like eat a tic tac or something bro. If you have bad breath, unless you go get checked, you might be single forever, unless of course, you meet a fellow Halitosis carrier.

ALSO READ: 4 effective home remedies to get rid of bad breath

4. A guy with cornrows or who karangaz the hair.

Lol even if you’re an artistes, maze, cornrows are so yesterday. And when it comes to relaxing the hair, are you like Boyz to Men or what? Cut that shit.

5. A guy who irons his jeans.

This one had me deceased. Imagine walking around with a nigga whose jeans has two iron lines…

ALSO READ: 7 mistakes you make on a first date that will cost you a second one

6. Bad grammar when texting.

“Yu a so fyn” urgh!

7. He smells funny.

Hygiene muhimu boss. Wash them balls, spray some cologne, brush your teeth, you know? Basic hygiene, how hard can it be?

8. Says sizz instead of sis. Lol.

9. Mtu anago’a.

Kizungu ilikuja na meli but bruh, I don’t think I can also stand someone that has a severe case of mother-tongue interference.

10. Has an Android.

11. Has missing teeth.


12. If he’s a Gemini.

The Horoscope has spoken!

13. Has a super hairy chest.

Those ndengu hairs, out there looking like a gorilla.

Which are some of the petty reasons why you can't date someone? Let us know.

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