Over 100 Nairobi women are expected to storm a city restaurant to breastfeed their babies, in a protest that has never been witnessed in Kenya before.
Tuesday, May 15, 2018 is the date for the historic demonstration rallied by Mildred Atty Owiso, a social media activist, against Olive Restaurant located on Accra road, Nairobi.
Owiso’s movement was promoted by a sad story shared on Buyer Beware, a Facebook group she owns. In the post a mother claimed that she was evicted out of the restaurant for breastfeeding her baby in public without covering the infant.
The victim, who identifies herself as Betty Kim on Facebook, alleged that she was given the option of either covering the baby or breastfeed in the toilet.
When she declined to choose from the options given to her, Kim claimed that she was thrown out of the eatery despite the storm that was raging outside.
"I’m very disappointed by (the restaurant) after humiliating me when breastfeeding my baby. Those Waiter’s should be aware not all babies are covered while being fed. The approach was pathetic, it was raining outside na siwezi nyonyeshea mtoto kwa choo," she posted.
Speaking to Pulselive.co.ke, Owiso said that women will be gathering at Freedom's Corner on Tuesday at 8 am after which they will proceed to Parliament to present a petition on breastfeeding conditions in public and private premises in the country.
"The breastfeeding issue must be taken very seriously. It is unfortunate that women cannot breastfeed in public places without being discriminated against.
"It is important for Parliament to legislate laws demanding offices, restaurant and other places to give women a proper alternative to breastfeed their babies. This is a right that women should and must enjoy," she said during a phone interview.
Owiso has publicized the campaign on social media eliciting an array of reactions from the public.
In 2017, Murang'a Women Representative Sabina Chege tabled the Breastfeeding Mothers Bill in Parliament which only managed to reach the second reading.
This means that the Bill lapsed with the 11th Parliament, hence, it will have to be republished afresh for debate.
The proposed law seeks to compel private and public companies to set aside special rooms for breastfeeding mothers to express milk for infants while at work freely.
It will also force employers to provide lactation rooms at workplaces for breastfeeding mothers