Kenyans have great reason to worry following the latest revalations by interior PS Karanja Kibicho on what has transpired in the last five years of Jubilee administration.
In a sworn affidavit dated 08 Jun 2018, the PS admitted that corruption has grown by 240% over the last five years of President Kenyatta’s administration.
The revelation comes at a time when the vice has reached astronomical levels with several corruption scandals under investigation.
Statistics reveal that corruption cases have more than doubled from 3355 when the Jubilee administration took power in March 2013 and currently stands at 8044 cases.
The public on the other hand as reacted with outrage at the huge sums of money amounting to billions lost through corruption.
Among the scandals that have surfaced in recent past are the Sh 10 Billio Nys scandal and the Sh 6.3 Billion KETRACO scandal.
Others include at National Irrigations Board, National Cereals Produce Board, Kenya Power and Kenya Pipe line Company that have seen the public lose a significant portion of the national budget to corrupt individuals.