On Thursday, Embakasi East MP Babu Owino made a surprise revelation on Matiang’i after being accused of making seemingly insulting comments about him.
The MP was quoted refereeing to the Interior CS Fred Matiang’i as “Marehemu" (a deceased person) and as a Mkembe ya Blueband(Blue band tin).
His sentiments elicited strong reactions across both sides of the political divide.
However, Owino has now come out to reveal that the Matiang’i he was referring to was not the Interior CS, but his friend who coincidentally happens to share the same surname as the CS.
According to the MP his friend (Matiang’i) was nicknamed “Marehemu”.
“I was not referring to Fred Matiang'i of jubilee when I said 'marehemu Matiang'i'. I was talking about a friend of mine called Josephat Matiang’i from Etago, South Mugirango whose nickname is Marehemu after he died and resurrected after a day.” Explained Hon. Babu Owino
"Does BABU OWINO or is it BABU OGWANG’ think that his the only person with the monopoly of insults. If the government is not able to deal with him, personally I am very ready to circumcise him and maybe that will instill some respect manners in him. RESPECT MATIANG’I you small boy," the Jubilee senator tweeted.
Ms Omanga’s comment prompted Babu to defend himself saying“I have no time for Mr. Ibu’s side Chick. Nairobians are aware of how your waist gate earned you Jubilee Nomination.