Tall, dark and handsome, but mostly tall. That’s all she’s asking for in a man and you’re scoring A’s on her wish list except the fact that you’re short. Well, fear no more. Height is more about illusion and posture and can be affected by what you wear. Here’s how
1. Try out the slim fits
Wearing slim fit pants make your legs look longer. When it comes to shirts, get one that is well fitting and tuck it in to avoid looking baggy and shorter.
2. Cuffed pants
Cuffing pants breaks the long and lean look you’re trying to achieve. As I said, it’s all about the silhouette. Get yourself a good pair of hem pants or pants with no cuffs.
Check out the difference between the pictures.
3. Accessories remain above the belt
This allows your legs look visually longer and fuller in nothing but pants. Also it will keep her eyes above the waist, for your convenience of course.
4. Avoid the half coats
Unless you’re okay looking like a 5’2. Keep off the half coats and vest. These remove the focus from the long lines of your body frame and centers it on your torso. If you have to wear one then make sure It’s the same colour as the rest of your outfit.
5. Show me a super hero in short sleeves
Beyond visually shortening your limbs, short sleeved shirts make you look smaller than necessary. Wear a long sleeved and roll it up. That’s super sexy to look at.
6. Switch up the colours
Matching a brightly coloured shirt with a dark pair of pants gives your legs the illusion of length. Brightly coloured pants are a no go zone unless it’s white or blue.
7. Monochrome is your best friend
You don’t have to be creative, stick to monochromatic colours when dressing. Uniformity really does give the illusion of height.
8. Slim ties
Streamline your frame by going for slim ties instead of the usual. They make your torso look longer as they draw the eyes up and down your body.
9. Thou shan’t pick up a horizontally stripped shirt
Unless your end goal is to look like Snow white’s little dwarf, keep your hands off horizontally stripped shirts. They make you look chubbier and wider as this is the illusion it creates.
10. Button your coats above your navel
This makes your torso seem longer and your body taller.