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These are 5 blockbuster shows Pascal Tokodi has starred in

These are 5 blockbuster shows Pascal Tokodi has starred in
These are 5 blockbuster shows Pascal Tokodi has starred in

We all have favorite movie stars, local and international, these are the people that get us entertained while we are relaxed at our various homes and sometimes, places of work.

Some of these stars have grown to become household names and one cannot talk acting in Kenya without their names crossing your mind.

One such person is Pascal Tokodo who has been on our screens for some time, and he continues to give us the best of himself, in the movie and TV series space.

Here are some of the epic films Pascal Tokodi has featured;

1. Selina

Selina is one of the most selling local Soap Telenovela, featuring Pascal Tokodi and Celestine Gachuhi as lead actors.

The series has had fans glued to their screens and they continue to follow the series that is now in its fifth season.

2. Collateral

Collateral is a 59-minute drama film featuring Tokodi, who plays a supporting role. It was first released in 2013 and if you are looking for some good local drama, this is the film for you.

3. Marikiti Women

Marikiti Women is a comedy drama released in 2016 starring Pascal Tokodi and singer Kambua and gives a glimpse of how parents conspire to marry off their children, despite attempts to stop them.

4. Get Me A Job

Talk of the most underrated local drama series, and you might have just mentioned drama series Get Me A Job.

In this one-hour film, Pascal Tokodi plays a supporting role but still brings out the best of his skill.

5. Run Kenya

The series features Pascal Tokodi brings out the best in a story of his acting in telling a story of resilience, hard work and success. This is what Run Kenya is all about.

Here’s the secret to watching Pascal Tokodi & other megahit 

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