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10 common challenges Form 1 students should prepare for as they join high school

Students being admitted to school
Students being admitted to school

Embarking on the journey from primary to high school is a pivotal moment in a student's life.

The transition comes with excitement, curiosity, and, inevitably, a set of challenges that shape their initial experiences.

As fresh-faced freshmen step into the new academic landscape, they encounter various hurdles that contribute to their growth and adaptation.

Bigger environment

One of the primary challenges that form ones often face is adjusting to a new and larger environment.

High schools are typically more extensive than primary schools, and students might find themselves navigating through unfamiliar classrooms, buildings, and facilities.

The sheer size of the institution can be overwhelming initially, but it also fosters independence and self-reliance as students learn to find their way around.

Forging new friendships

Moving from a close-knit primary school setting to a larger high school means entering a sea of new faces.

Forming connections and making friends can be both exciting and challenging as students navigate social dynamics and diverse personalities.

Increased academic demands

High school academics are more rigorous, with increased expectations in terms of workload and complexity. Adjusting to a higher level of academic demand requires effective time management and study skills.

High school also introduces students to a diverse range of subjects, each with its own teaching style. Adjusting to different teaching methods and adapting to the expectations of various subjects can be initially challenging.

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Peer pressure

The desire to fit in and be accepted can lead to peer pressure. Navigating through social expectations while maintaining one's individuality and making informed decisions is a common challenge faced by freshmen.

High school is also a time of self-discovery, and students often grapple with questions of identity, self-expression, and personal values. Understanding oneself and developing a strong sense of identity is an ongoing challenge.

Diet changes

The move from home-cooked meals to cafeteria or hostel food can be significant. School menus may have limited options, and students might find themselves with fewer choices than they are accustomed to. Adapting to the available food selection becomes a part of the adjustment process.

Some students may have specific dietary restrictions or preferences. Communicating these needs to the school cafeteria staff and finding suitable alternatives can be challenging but is crucial for maintaining a healthy diet.

Inferiority complex

Inferiority complex is a psychological state characterized by an individual's persistent feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. As form ones embark on their high school journey, this phenomenon may manifest in various ways.

Form ones may grapple with fitting in and establishing new friendships. The fear of not being accepted or being judged can intensify feelings of inferiority.

Subtle bullying

Bullying has been banned in Kenyan schools, but most if not all schools still have Slight or subtle bullying that involves behaviours that may not be overtly aggressive but can still considered bullying.

Stress and anxiety

The pressure to perform well in exams, manage social relationships, and adapt to a new environment can contribute to stress and anxiety. Learning healthy coping mechanisms and seeking support are essential for emotional well-being.

Navigating extracurricular activities

High schools offer a variety of clubs, sports, and cultural activities. While these present exciting opportunities, balancing academic commitments with extracurricular pursuits can be a challenge. Learning to manage time effectively becomes crucial.


With learners young and experimental, petty theft often for stuff like school uniforms, text books and personal effects often the target.

This can be curbed by being keeping property carefully and reporting any stolen effects

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