Early menopause is when it occurs before the age of 40.
Something disrupts the cyclic production of hormones from the ovaries.
The symptoms include irregular periods, hot flushes, irritability and infertility.
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Certain habits women have could bring up a likelihood of early menopause.
1. Smoking
Smoking can cause menopause to occur 4-5 years prior. Substances in the cigarettes can cause the reduced production of eggs.
2. Heavy drinking
Chronic drinking can lead to irregular or no periods at all. It can also bring about the onset of early menopause.
3. Over-exercising
Exercising excessively could lead to an increase in cortisol levels which can disrupt hormones. Studies have been done showing an association between increased long periods of exercise and early menopause. Exercising on a regular basis helps to keep hormone levels more stable.
4. Using plastics
Most plastics contain phthalates which are chemicals that can lead to hormonal imbalance and early menopause. Do not use plastics in the microwave or to take hot substances. Avoid such pollutants and processed foods as well.