Low libido in men is common among younger men these days.
It is the lack of interest in sex, not to be confused with erectile dysfunction- which is the inability to maintain an erection or premature ejaculation- which is uncontrolled climaxing either before or shortly after sexual penetration. So medication like viagra shouldn't be used to treat low libido.
Here are 8 simple solutions to help with low libido in men.
1. Eat healthy foods
Watch you sodium, fat and carbohydrate intake. Consume libido-boosting foods such as strawberries, avocado, almonds, sweet potatoes, sesame seeds and watermelon.
2. Get enough sleep
If you have enough rest, your sex drive is less likely to be affected. Sleep for 8-10 hours.
3. Exercise
Get regular exercise, to maintain your health. Exercise has also been known to boost the production of the happy hormone- endorphins- which help with your sex drive.
4. Quit smoking
Tobacco has agents that inhibit production of testosterone.
5. Drink in moderation
Excessive consumption of alcohol will hamper all your motor skills and inhibits physiological functions, includng the production of testosterone.
6. Consult a physician
Sometimes low libido can be an underlying sign of a more serious condition. It should be inspected should it take too long to clear after other solutions don't succeed.
7. Psychotherapy
Should depression be the cause of your low sex drive, you should talk with a licenced therapist so as to know how to deal with what you're going through.
8. Reassure your partner
Maintaining a healthy relationship with your partner goes a long way in helping your mental health.