Your bedtime routine could be affecting your weight loss.
Eating and exercising right may not be enough to lose weight. If you have been struggling to lose weight and aren't seeing any results, your night time regimen may be to blame.
There may be things you are doing to make sure that you lose weight faster but some things could be leading to an unsuccessful weight loss journey.
These are some of the mistakes you could be making.
1. Waking up too early
You need to have uninterrupted 8 hours of sleep each night. Failure to get enough rest can lead to weight gain due to disruptions in hormones and energy levels.
2. Skipping dinner
Eating dinner past a certain hour doesn't cause more fat to be stored.
Skipping dinner so as to avoid the extra fat risk makes you get hunger spikes the next day which can easily to over eating.
3. Avoiding orgasms
According to Femail orgasms help to relieve stress, anxiety and are great for reproductive health.
It also helps to promote healthy estrogen levels, which can help you maintain a healthy weight.
Don't avoid night time sex just because you're trying to lose weight.
4. Taking alcohol before bed
Alcohol may help you get drowsy faster but it can affect the restorative sleep cycle.
5. Exercising right before going to sleep
This may be helpful to your sleeping routine but it may also lead to disruption of sleep.
6. Lying before a screen before bed
Experts say that using technology close to your bed time can make it difficult to fall asleep as it prevents the production of melatonin.
The unnatural light sources affect the production of melatonin which may lead to struggling to sleep.