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The Men's Health 2020 Sex in America Survey

Are You Hitched? In 2019 , the average age at first marriage in the U.S. was around 30 for men and 28 for women. In 1960, it was closer to 23 and 20, respectively. .

Do You Feel Horny Every Day? The horniness divide: 58% of men in their 20s feel horny every day, compared with 17% of women in the same age group. .

Are You Satisfied With Your Sex Life? On a scale from 1 to 5, how people in their 20s versus those 50 or over rate their overall satisfaction. (Hey, at least were all more satisfied than not!) .

How Many Sexual Partners Have You Had? The most common answer among all respondents put together. ( Second place: 3 to 6. ) .

Only One or Two Partners? That seemed low, especially given that some people tend to inflate their number, research shows. We wondered if anyone had downplayed their own sexcapades, even though the survey was anonymous. So we checked in with Justin Lehmiller, Ph.D., research fellow at the Kinsey Institute and author of Tell Me What You Want, who offered up this explanation: The options that are available to us for sexually interacting with others are evolving, he says. For example, as sexual norms have loosened, participation in activities like oral and anal sex has increased. The bigger question is really what counts as sex or as having had a sexual partner. Different people may define these things in very different ways. Dominic McKenzie

How Often Do Your Orgasm During Sex? Congrats, 40-something men: 68% of you orgasm every time you have sex more than any other demographic. .

How Important Is It to Know Your Partners Astrological Sign? he percentage of people in their 30s who agreed it says a lot about character and compatibility. 10% of 20-somethings, 12% of 40-somethings, and 7% of people 50 or over felt the same. .

Who's Actually Had a Threesome? 53% of people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or pansexual have had a three-way, compared with 18% of straight-identifying people. .

How Would You Feel About a Threesome in The Future? 31% of 30-somethings said theyd be open to it, should the opportunity arise. .

Your Partner Wants to Film You Two Having Sex. Are You Down? Men and women feel differently about doing it on camera: 32% of men said theyd be into it, compared with 18% of women. .

How Experimental Is Your Sex Life? Twenty-somethings are a whole lot more experimental than their parents generation. Only 24% of them said theyre vanilla, compared with 46% of people 50 or over. .

Men: Any Sex Toys? For men, 40 to 49 is the peak decade for penis rings. (20% of guys in their 40s own them.) Guys in their 40s are also the most likely to own a prostate massager (9%), and guys in their 50s are the most likely to own a butt plug (11%). .

Do You Identify as Straight? 29% of straight-identifying 30-somethings said theyve been attracted to people of their own gender, and 10% have experimented sexually with them at least once. Depends who you ask. Whereas 21% of straight-identifying 20-somethings said they wouldnt rule out a same-sex attraction, only 9% of their 50-something counterparts said the same. Lehmiller says it isnt that more young people are bi-curious: As stigma declines, it becomes safer to acknowledge attractions that, in another time and place, might have been considered deviant, he explains. So its not necessarily the case that peoples attractions themselves have changed, just that theyre more willing to openly discuss them. .

What Does It Mean to Be Straight? Depends who you ask. Whereas 21% of straight-identifying 20-somethings said they wouldnt rule out a same-sex attraction, only 9% of their 50-something counterparts said the same. Lehmiller says it isnt that more young people are bi-curious: As stigma declines, it becomes safer to acknowledge attractions that, in another time and place, might have been considered deviant, he explains. So its not necessarily the case that peoples attractions themselves have changed, just that theyre more willing to openly discuss them. Dominic McKenzie

How Often Do You Watch Porn? 15% of women in their 30s watch porn two to three times a week, compared with 33% of men in the same age group. .

Do You Do Butt Stuff at Least Once a Week? 7% of all people engage in anal sex (or other forms of butt play) at least once a week. .

What Makes You Insecure? Folks of all ages said their body is their biggest insecurity in the bedroommore so than sexual desires, ability to perform, or ability to orgasm. .

Are You Using Protection? Only 31.48% of people in their 20s use some form of protection (condoms, PrEP, dental dam, etc.) every time they have sex. .

Have You Had Any STIs? The percentage of people across all age groups who said theyve had a sexually transmitted infection . .

How Satisfied Are You With the Sex-Ed You Received? People aged 30 to 39 are the most satisfied with their sex-ed experience, giving it an average rating of 2.43 out of 5. (Yeah, still not great.) Folks over 50 are the least satisfied, giving an average rating of just 9 out of 5. The average score for how well people said their sex ed prepared them for sex in the real world? 2.18. Dominic McKenzie

Do You Ask for Affirmative Consent? Of all the age groups, people under 30 are the most likely to ask for it every time they have sex. People 50 or over are the least familiar with affirmative consent; 13% hadnt heard of it before taking our survey. .

Need a Refresher? See Below! For all you folks who havent heard of affirmative consent (looking at you, 50+ peeps): Its when a person actively and voluntarily communicates yes to a sexual act. You always need to obtain it (to the 33% of people who ask for it every time: great job!)even if your partner has said yes to the same thing previously. If asking for consent feels painfully unsexy, Gigi Engle, certified sex coach, sex educator, and author of All the F*cking Mistakes, suggests the following script:You: Would you like to fool around?Them: Yes.You: What do you like? I would love to kiss you on your x. Is that okay?Them: Yes.You: Is it okay if I take your shirt off? Your pants?Them: Yes. Dominic McKenzie

How Comfortable Are You Voicing Your Needs During Sex? About a quarter of people 50 or over said they want to be open about their needs during sex but they really struggle. 11% said theyd never speak their desires to anyone at all. .

How Takes The Lead During Sex? Our 70-somethings are all about equality: 46% said they share leadership duties with their partner, more than any other age bracket. .

How Interested in an Open Relationship Are You? Nearly 70% of all respondents said theyre not into it although 7% of people in their 20s said theyre in one right now. .

Do You Believe in Soul mates? .

THE BUMBLE DISPATCH Its hard out there for an online dater. Bumble polled more than 8,000 users to find out exactly whats on peoples minds when they swipe and eventually meet IRL. Dominic McKenzie

Before the Date Here's what people consider a deal breaker if they see it on someones Bumble profile. .

During the Date See where Bumble users typically go on a first date. .

After the Date Here's how long people normally date a Bumble match before having the Defining the Relationship talk. .

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