DIRECTIONS: Do this workout up to 6 days a week, aiming for at least 1 rest day.On days you dont train, stay active by takinga 20-minute run. Begin every workout with 3 rounds of this warmup: 5 Superman holds,5 alternating reverse lunges, a 30-secondplank, and 10 jumping jacks. Then get to work.
Do this workout as a 3-round circuit,using medium-weight dumbbells. Rest30 seconds between each exercise.
1 Dumbbell Deadlift Place 2 dumbbells at the sides of your feet. Hinge at
the waist, bend your knees, and grasp them, keeping yourcore tight. This is the start (a). Stand, pulling the dumb-bells off the floor and squeezing your glutes (b). Returnthe dumbbells to the floor. Thats 1 rep; do 10.
Focus on keep-ing your shoul-ders above yourhips at all times.Your goal is tofeel this in yourhamstrings andglutes, not yourlower back.
2 Dumbbell CircusGround-to-Overhead
Stand with a single dumbbell betweenyour feet and grasp it with both hands.Tighten your hamstrings and your core,dropping into a low squat (a). Standexplosively (you may rise onto your toesas you do so) and pull the dumbbell upwith both hands. As the weight reachesshoulder level, shift it to your right handand drive it overhead (b). Lower it to yourshoulder, then return it to the floor withboth hands. Thats 1 rep. Repeat on theother side. Do 20 total reps.
3 Paused DumbbellClose-Grip Press
Lie with your back on abench, feet on the floor,glutes and abs tight,dumbbells held directlyover your shoulders. Bendyour elbows and shoulders,keeping your elbows closeto your body as you lowerthe dumbbells to your ribcage (a). Pause for 1 second,then press them upward (b).Thats 1 rep; do 8 to 10.
Eb says: No bench, no problem. Do this as a floor press: Lie on the floor, feet flat on theground, glutes squeezed. Youll lose some range of motion on the bottom of thepress but can focus on squeezing your chest and triceps hard at the top.
4 Dumbbell Z-Press Sit on the floor, legs straight, abs tight,
dumbbells held at your shoulders (a). Withoutarching your back, straighten your arms, drivingthe dumbbells overhead (b). Slowly return themto your shoulders. Thats 1 rep; do 10 to 12.
Dont flare your elbowsout; keep them slightlyin front of you, like ourmodel. Its a safer press-ing angle for long-termshoulder health.
Set a timer for 5 minutes. Repeat the moves in order,working to complete as many rounds as possible. Rest asneeded, but keep your rest periods short.
Dealing withshoulder issues?Instead of hold-ing the dumb-bells directlyoverhead, holdthem at yourshoulders.
5 Overhead Carry Stand holding medium-weight dumbbells overhead, abs and
glutes tight, rib cage in, and arms straight. Walk forward 20 steps.In tight confines? Walk ahead as far as you can, then turn back andwalk to the start, aiming for 20 total steps.
6 Farmers Carry to Farmers Hold Stand holding the dumbbells at your sides, core and glutes
tight, shoulder blades squeezed. Walk forward 20 steps, aiming to keep your hips and shoulders square. (If you dont have room, walk back and forth for 20 total steps.) After you finish walking, stand,holding the dumbbells at your sides, for 20 seconds.