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5 perfect responses to "why are you still single?"

The only worse part about being single is the answers you have to come up with when you are asked the question "why are you still single?"

Being single is fun! Yes it is!  It is one of the best stages in life. You learn so much about yourself during during this period including self love.

Been single for a long time. Not that guys have not come my way, so many have  but they are just not what I want.

Mind you I am not being picky, I just don’t want to settle for just anything only  because I have to be in a relatuionshuip.

I hate that question! If you hate it too but at the same time struggle to find answers to such a question try these.

Answer 1 - "I am just lucky, I guess."

Let them know you are lucky to be single compared to the many women in bad relationships who wish they could get out but somehow can’t.

Answer 2- "I've been sort a busy nurturing a rewarding and fulfilling career."

There is this saying that, a good career can’t keep you warn at night. True but there is nothing more fulfilling when you know you are on the right career path and spending time to nurture and make it happen even bigger for you.

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Answer 3 -"It was either this or a toxic relationship with my ex. Being single is a better option"

I would rather be the queen of the singles kingdom  than get a one way ticket to where all the demons go (referring to a bad relationship).

Answer 4 – “Are you going to set me up with Jesse William (you know Dr. Jackson Avery   of Grey’s Anatomy fame)? If not, then I am good.

This in effect means just mind your own business. If you cannot set me up with the man of my dreams then have several seats.

Answer 5 - “Independence and I are in a long term relationship and we are very happy”

There is this independence which comes with being single. You can basically do anything and not answer to anybody. You can go anywhere without wondering if someone will approve or not.

Many will die or give everything to be in your single state enjoy it whiles it lasts.

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