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Everything You Need To Know About Belly Button Lint—And How To Get Rid Of It

Quick: When was the last time you cleaned your belly button, a.k.a. your navel, a.k.a., that spot where you were once connected to your mother through an umbilical cord? I'm gonna guess not since your parents took a Q-tip to it.
What Is Belly Button Lint, Exactly?
What Is Belly Button Lint, Exactly?

I know, it's a body part that can easily go ignored, but tbh, if you don't give it a little TLC once in a while, you might notice some pretty funky stuff lurking inside it. Here, dermatologists answer what belly button lint actually is, how to keep it in check, and why you should care.

Okay, what exactly is belly button lint, and why do I get it?

In short, belly button lint is a combo of dead skin cells that naturally shed daily, debris, sweat, oil secretions, small clothing fibers, and naturally-found bacteria around your navel skin, explains Melissa Kanchanapoomi Levin, MD, a New York-based dermatologist and founder of Entiere Dermatology

While it definitely sounds gross, it's pretty harmless, says Dr. Kanchanapoomi Levin. And unfortunately, some people are just more prone to it than others-mainly those with longer, thicker stomach hair (the friction of the hair can pull more clothing fibers in toward the belly button) or people who wear specific fabric types, like cotton or wool, that tend to accumulate more lint, she adds.

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It can, however, get out of control. If you've ever stuck your finger in your belly button and smelled it (come on, you know you have at least once), it might stink a little-that's due to bacteria and yeast that tends to grow when it combines with dead skin cells, hair, and oil.

And in a worst-case scenario, if things get too out-of-hand, your belly button could start to leak a brownish, yellow, or white discharge, which signals a bacterial or yeast infection, says Dr. Noelani Gonzlez, MD, director of cosmetic dermatology at Mount Sinai West in New York City. (Hint: That also means you should schedule an appointment to see your derm ASAP.)

So it sounds like I need to clean my belly button. How do I do it?

The best strategy is to wash the area with a gentle soap and water (read: no scratching or harsh alcohol-based ingredients), then dry it with a towel once youre out. A clean belly button is important, but a dry one will help keep that moist environment that bacteria loves to grow in at bay.

If, for some reason, you do go at your belly button with something sharp, like your nails, apply a little Vaseline jelly to the area to help your wounds heal, says Dr. Kanchanapoomi Levin. Also: While those with outie belly buttons (as opposed to innies) don't typically get belly button lint, it's still important for everyone to clean their belly button pretty regularly (a quick rinse in the shower is good enough).

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