Bishop Godfrey Migwi has turned his guns on women leaders in the country for failing to uphold integrity on defending the public interest.
In a lengthy post on Facebook, Bishop Migwi challenged the current female leaders to borrow a leaf from their counterparts who came before them.
"I have watched with dismay the continued political confrontations of our women leaders – Inua Mama and Embrace, as each faction strives to please their political demigods," the pastor stated.
He pointed out what he termed as the difference with women leaders today and in the past who were not sponsored to represent men agendas in leadership.
Hurling insults at each other
"Pioneer women leaders like Grace Onyango, Phoebe Asiyo, Rose Waruhiu, Dr Eddah Gachukia, Dr Julia Ojiambo, Prof. Wangari Maathai, Dr Jane Kiano, Zipporah Kittony, Nyiva Mwendwa, Hon. Martha Karua, H.E. Charity Ngilu."
"Ms Agnes Ndetei, Njoki Ndungu, among others, were steadfast in defeating male dominance in the political arena; conquering the traditionally accepted marginalization of women, and their role in governance," he stated.
The pastor called out the women leaders for not showing their male counterparts how to lead with gracefully and firmly without hurling insults at each other.
"Just last weekend, Laikipia Women Rep Cate Waruguru hurled unprintable words towards Kirinyaga Governor Ann Waiguru as Garrisa Women Rep Anab Subow descended on the person of Raila Odinga calling him names in front of cameras, what a shame," the Bishop said.
Women leaders split
The battle between Raila Odinga and DP William Ruto is already shaping up between the different political factions and has split women political leaders down the middle.
Recent remarks by women leaders have shown that the battle has slowly degenerated into personalised attacks, where members are going for each other’s jugular at the behest of the male leaders.
Narc-Kenya leader Martha Karua recently lashed out at Inua Mama and Team Embrace, branding them “a group of praise singers for the country’s leadership”.
Ms Karua is among the women leaders who steadfastly fought for pluralism in the early 1990s.