Bret Stephens
Articles written by the author
Why I'm Rooting for Boris Johnson
The Perfect Antidote to Trump
Democrats, the Economy, and the Election
The U.S. Military: Like the French at Agincourt?
Conservatives Should Thank Mueller
Ilhan Omar, Harbinger of Democratic Decline?
Millionaires and Billionaires and Bernie
The Foreign Policy Fiasco That Wasn't
Is Trump Keyser Söze -- Or Inspector Clouseau?
We Need More Sister Souljah Moments
Palestinian Lives Don't Matter*
How Neil Armstrong Stayed Humble
Apollo 11's Forgotten Virtues
Ilhan Omar Knows Exactly What She Is Doing
Time for Netanyahu to Go
Is Nancy Pelosi a Climate Skeptic?
Iran's 40 Years of Darkness
Realism and Repentance in Virginia
The Progressive Assault on Israel
What Real Border Security Looks Like