Jesse Green
Articles written by the author
Fleeing Home, but Not Homophobia
Playwright Exposes Himself in 'Black Exhibition'
Review: The 'Tina' Musical Is One Inch Deep, Mountain High
Review: Getting Intimate at 'Dr. Ride's American Beach House'
Review: Abzug and Fierstein, on the Same Ticket in 'Bella Bella'
Review: Double, Double, Burger and Trouble in 'Scotland, PA'
Review: Mary-Louise Parker in the Subliminal, Sublime 'Sound Inside'
Review: 'The Lightning Thief,' a Far Cry From Olympus
Review: In the Musical 'Soft Power,' China Whistles the Tune
Review: In 'Terra Firma,' a Wee Wet Country on the Brink
'Heroes of the Fourth Turning': In a Dark and Holy Wilderness
'The New Englanders' Review: Trying Too Hard to Be Special
Review: In 'The Great Society,' Another Presidential Nightmare
Review: For These African Immigrants, Life Is a Haunted House
Review: In 'The Height of the Storm,' Two Stars and an Enigma
Review: 'Novenas' Offers Prayers for a Hospital That Died
Review: Do You Believe in Miracles? 'Felix Starro' Does
Public Works Finds the Heroism in 'Hercules'
Review: In 'Make Believe,' Four Children Meet Their Inner Adults
Is Hannah Gadsby's 'Douglas' Stand-Up? Theater? Yes, Please.