Roger Cohen
Articles written by the author
Boris Johnson Faces a Swift and Bloody Nemesis
Mussolini Resurfaces in Milan
Robert Mueller in the Age of the Unicorn
Israel's Lesson for Democrats in 2020
Biden, Honorable Patriot, Should Side With Restraint
A Perfume Called Fascism
Trump and Conscience in the Age of Demagogues
Brexit, Act 4, Scene 1
Socialism and the 2020 American Election
Socialism and the 2020 American Election
The Official British Policy? Mayhem
Jeremy Corbyn's Anti-Semitic Labour Party
Britain in the Crazed Brexit Vortex
Munich or a Requiem for the West
Scenes From the Borderland
Trump Does His Divisive El Paso Number
The Harm in Hustle Culture
Why I Am a European Patriot
The Strange Persistent Troubling Russian Hang-Up of Donald Trump
Hold a Second Brexit Referendum