2018 has been quite an eventful year with many activities taking place right from social media down to our daily lives.
Social media has played a major role in doing this and bringing out the fun side of Kenyans; that has in some instances gone beyond the expected limits.
Memes have continued to light up the lives of Kenyans and netizens across the world.
These memes have also been picked by companies to help them in advertising their products through what is trending at that given time. This has also helped the companies in terms of engaging with their clients via social media.
As the year closes down, here is a list of some of the most outstanding memes of 2018;
Cardi B Memes
So American rapper Cardi B shared an old picture of herself when she was young and Kenyans could not just let it go. In the memes created across the world, 5 year-old Cardi B posing with her hand on her hip and her facial expression suggested that she was a tattletale.
Kenyan accents
Kenyans on social media with their creativity recently came up with a series of memes on how Kenyans from different tribes pronounce different words.
These memes were up the trends for more than a week as it was relatable to anyone and everyone.
One of the most used memes in 2018.
The meme was used to show the difference between what people think and what they say with their mouth.
The Ulijuaje memes were used to depict how easily you can know someone is from a given tribe from the way he or she dresses, speaks and generally conducts himself. This also included the places they stay.
Here KOT satirically showed he content on most people’s brains judging from their tribes, the things one likes to do or even the words one pronounces most.