When you think of Samosa, or when you’re about to buy a Samosa, you mostly have two options, vegetable or a meat Samosa.
And you expect it, to look like this…
But trust Kenyans to add madoido in nearly everything, including Samosas. Samosas have now become the go-to food for experimentation purposes by street food hawkers. Remember last year someone was caught slaughtering a cat and selling cat meat Samosas? SMH!
And while still on these Samosa obscenities, some humans have now turned the Samosa into, well, a weird snack. Literally, anything can go in there! The other day, I was getting my nails done in town and this guy came to hawk Samosas. You should’ve seen the look of surprise on my face when I saw that there was a boiled egg and meat in that Samosa. Like what the hell? How did the egg even get there? Like how did he roll the Samosa on top of the egg before frying…Y’all I had so many questions.
Of course, I had to take a photo...
Bizarre right?
And just when I thought, it couldn’t get worse, I mean, these Samosa atrocities couldn’t get any any worse, I discover that they actually do get worse...way worse.
1. Samosa beans.
ALSO READ: How to cook your own yummy beef Samosa
2. Samosa githeri.
3. Samosa spaghetti.
4. Samosa waru and peas.
5. Samosa Pasta.
If you’re not blessed with culinary skills, don't try this at home!
Kenyans, can we please stop ruining the Samosa?