Nakuru County gubernatorial aspirant John Mututho has claimed that his running mate has abandoned him after receiving millions of shillings from Governor Kinuthia Mbugua.
“Chebet from a village girl now has a Prado, a fully paid apartment for the whole year plus other goodies that go with it,” Mututho said.
He also claims that Chebet is enjoying the comfort of five-star hotels at will.
Dowry payments
Mututho also warned Governor Kinuthia to respect the women of Nakuru as he had a habit of “taking women away” without paying for their dowries.
“He took one (a woman) and he did not pay, he took a second one from Ukambani and paid (dowry). Now he has several local women and girls who he has not considered. He has rewarded Chebet heavily, why not the others? He should be fair,” Mutotho posed.
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On her part, Chebet who is an orphan from Kuresoi, said that Mutotho had boasted that it was not a must that people from her home village to vote for him for him to become governor.
“I now fully support Kinuthia Mbugua as my governor. He is someone who has looked out for our welfare,” Chebet said.
See below Mututho’s video on why Chebet left him for Mbugua.