The Standard Gauge Railway Management has adjusted its advance ticket booking widow from 14 days to 30 days.
The new changes in the commuter train are effective from 1 of January 2018, where customers will be able to purchase a ticket 30 days before the date of travel.
days to thirty (30) days.
From January 1, 2018, our customers will be able to purchase a ticket 30 days before the date of travel; any period between the thirtieth day and the day of travel; or on the actual day of travel itself.
As 2017 comes to its end, we take this opportunity to wish you a prosperous new year. Happy 2018 and thank you for choosing to travel aboard the train” reads SGR changes
Currently the two inter County trains leave Mombasa and Nairobi at 7:15am and 8:00am respectively traveling 4 to 5 hours to their final destinations.
Passengers travelling between Nairobi and Mombasa pay Sh700 in economy class while those in first class pay Sh3,000.