Nadia Nakai, the girlfriend of the late rapper Kiernan Jarryd Forbes, popularly known as AKA, shared an emotional post on social media one month after his passing.
In her post, Nadia expressed that the healing process has been slow and difficult, acknowledging that things have not been the same since AKA's departure.
She reflected on the deep love they shared and expressed a wish that they were just friends and nothing more.
As a musician herself, she also reminisced about the days when AKA used to bring her joy, which she now cannot experience as he is no longer with her physically, except on social media.
"Sometimes I wish I never experienced your love. I wish that you were just an acquaintance and I could say 'oh supa mega passed away, what a loss for the game'. If I didn’t love you, maybe it would be easier to continue my life without you. Now, because I had been loved by you, it’s just so hard. I have this hole in my heart that won’t let up.
"The world just doesn’t feel the same. I try to hold onto my memories of when I was happy before you, maybe if I remember how it was before, I could be like that again. But everything doesn’t feel real. I don’t know if seeing you every day on social media is better or worse, I don’t know if reading our messages is healing or not," Nadia wrote.
Expressing her emotions in the post, Nadia Nakai wondered how her life would be without AKA by her side and admitted that she feels unprepared for the future.
Despite this, she expressed gratitude towards those who have been supporting and assisting her during this difficult time.
"I know I need to get out of my house soon, and I know the people that continue to hold me down, will be there for me, thank you, but I just feel like I’ll never be ready. What is my life going to look like now? Time heals all, but time really takes its time, and I don’t know when I’ll ever be fine," Nadia concluded.
Progress of AKA's murder case
South African police are making progress in their investigation of rapper AKA's shooting. They are using CCTV footage to help with their investigation. This information was confirmed by KwaZulu-Natal police commissioner Nhlanhla Mkhwanazi.
Despite the progress being made in the investigation of the rapper AKA's shooting, Mkhwanazi has urged anyone with information about the incident to come forward and assist the authorities in speeding up the investigation.