In Episode Six of Pulse Kenya's 'Love, Sex, and Lies', Le Band singer Charisma shares details of his past relationship with YouTuber Foi Wambui.
Despite headlines surrounding their supposed reunion, Charisma clarified that they are no longer together and are now just good friends.
He revealed that they had dated for a while, but eventually, they reached a point where things stopped working between them.
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Despite the romantic relationship coming to an end, Charisma emphasized that they remain great friends and still exchange greetings with each other.
When the two were still dating, their relationship used to be lowkey, and Charisma explained that they were not hiding anything from people.
"The thing about the two of us is that we weren't a secret but we were private. If you met us for sure you could tell we were dating but we never went out of our way to let people know that we were together," Charisma explained.
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Josh Wonder, Ajib Gathoni's ex-boyfriend, was present as Charisma gave the details. Curious, Wonder asked Charisma is he would get back together with Foi, should the chance become available.
Charisma was uncertain but admitted that Foi is an amazing person and he enjoyed the time they spent together.
"What happened, happened. What was meant to be, will be," Charisma answered.
He continued that they are currently on different paths, and everyone is pursuing their own endeavors, respecting each other's choices.
Charisma emphasised that there is no animosity between them, and he continued to heap praise on Foi, stating that she is a genuine person.
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He concluded that he would never speak negatively about someone he has shared a significant part of his life with, acknowledging their shared past.
He confirmed that he is in another phase of his life, and Josh joked that he is lonely.
Catch the full Episode 6 of Pulse Kenya's 'Love, Sex & Lies'