Renowned media personality Talia Oyando, affectionately known as the Night Nurse, has announced her departure from Citizen TV after an illustrious eight-year run as the host of 'One Love'.
The show, dedicated to reggae enthusiasts, became a cultural staple under her stewardship, with Oyando’s passion for music shining brightly every Saturday night.
A journey marked by love and music
In an emotional farewell message shared on her Instagram, Talia reflected on the incredible journey she has had with the Citizen TV family and the One Love audience.
After 8 beautiful years of love, music, and family on One Love at Citizen TV, it’s time for a new chapter.
She expressed deep gratitude to her fans, crew, and the network for supporting her throughout the years.
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Oyando described her experience as transformative and heartwarming, crediting the audience for making 'One Love' more than just a television programme.
You tuned in week after week, sang along to every anthem, and made this platform more than a show; you made it a home.
Cherished memories and reggae wisdom
The reggae icon drew inspiration from some of reggae’s most profound lyrics in her farewell. Quoting Joseph Hill of Culture, she noted, “Love shines brighter than the morning sun,” emphasising the unwavering support she received from fans.
Talia also echoed Bob Marley’s famous words, “One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain,” attributing her love for reggae as a guiding force in her life and career.
READ: Tallia Oyando reflects on her career in entertainment with heartwarming message
Looking ahead to greater things
While stepping away from One Love, Talia assured her fans that this was not the end but rather a new beginning. She hinted at exciting opportunities on the horizon.
While this chapter is closing, I promise you, our story is far from over. There are even greater things aligned, and I can’t wait to share them with you.
Talllia will host her final show on Saturday January, 25, 2024.