Cheating in relationships can be a devastating experience, leading to feelings of betrayal, heartache, and mistrust.
While it's never easy to confront the possibility of infidelity in a relationship, it's important to be aware of the signs that a man may be cheating.
He becomes secretive about his phone
If your boyfriend suddenly starts to become very secretive about his phone and computer, this could be a red flag.
He may start to password-protect his devices, keep them with him at all times, and even become defensive when you try to use them.
He's suddenly too busy to spend time with you
If your boyfriend starts to make excuses to avoid spending time with you or cancels plans at the last minute, this could be a sign that he's cheating.
He may suddenly have a lot of work to do, have to help out a friend or be dealing with personal issues that he can't talk about.
He becomes distant and unaffectionate
If your boyfriend starts to pull away emotionally and physically, this could be a sign that he's cheating. He may stop being affectionate, avoid cuddling or kissing, and become less interested in sex.
He's suddenly very interested in his appearance
If your boyfriend suddenly starts to take more care of his appearance than usual, this could be a sign that he's cheating.
He may start to dress differently, wear cologne more often, or hit the gym more frequently.
He starts to lie about small things
If your boyfriend starts to lie about small things that don't matter, this could be a sign that he's cheating. He may lie about where he's been, who he's been with, or what he's been doing.
He becomes defensive when you ask questions
If your boyfriend becomes defensive or angry when you ask him questions about his day or his whereabouts, this could be a sign that he's cheating. He may feel guilty and try to avoid any discussion that could lead to him being caught.
He suddenly has new friends
If your boyfriend starts to hang out with a new group of friends that you don't know, this could be a sign that he's cheating. He may use these new friends as an excuse to spend time away from you or to cover up his infidelity.
He's suddenly very protective of his privacy
If your boyfriend becomes very protective of his privacy and starts to hide things from you, this could be a sign that he's cheating. He may start to close doors when he's on the phone or become very secretive about his emails and text messages.
He's suddenly very critical of you
If your boyfriend starts to become very critical of you, this could be a sign that he's cheating. He may start to pick fights over small things or make you feel bad about yourself in order to justify his infidelity.
He's suddenly very generous
If your boyfriend starts to become very generous with gifts and money, this could be a sign that he's cheating. He may be trying to make up for his infidelity or trying to keep you from becoming suspicious by showering you with gifts.