Acne can be a genetic problem and it can also be triggered by different things. For instance, certain foods, hormonal imbalance and picking on your face can also lead to acne. For you to properly deal with the root cause of your acne, you need to know what triggered it. Experts believe that acne on different parts of the body means different things and is usually a sign of a specific health problem that should be addressed.
1. Back acne
Back acne may not be as common as face acne but some people experience it. The acne can also be spread to your thighs and arms. More often than not, this is usually hormonal acne and can thus be difficult to deal with. Body acne could also mean that your skin is too dry or too oily. In other instances, this acne can also be triggered by fabric and hygiene products.
2. Chin and jawline
If this part of your face is always breaking out, you should talk to your doctor because it shows that your hormones are out of whack. Even though a woman may experience hormonal fluctuations depending on the time of the month, there are extreme imbalances that can cause breakouts. Birth control and certain foods can cause hormonal imbalance which is why you should see a doctor about the problem.
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3. Cheeks
Acne on your cheeks is believed to be linked to liver and lungs. It’s a sign of poor metabolism and absorption of certain nutrients such as folic and iron. To address this problem, you are required to stop smoking and start exercising to make sure that your liver and lungs are in good shape. Hygiene is also a big culprit when it comes to breakouts on your cheeks. Ensure your pillows are clean and that your phone and other devices that get into contact with your cheeks are sanitized.
4. Forehead
This is usually a sign of digestive problems and stress. Drinking a lot of water to flush out toxins, eating a balanced diet and sleeping enough can help in getting rid of forehead acne.