We may not all be explorers like chef, foodie and activist Andrew Zimmern, host of Bizarre Foods, whose TV show focused on regional cuisine from around the world, but Kenya has its fair share of culinary oddities that we can look into. As the saying goes, one man’s junk is another man’s treasure
1. Rats
The Mijikenda’s, more so the Giriamas go-to delicacy is rodents, mice is a delicacy! According to Allafrica, the Giriama folklore believed mice is very addictive that once you taste it, any other meat is comes second to it. kadzora (pl. udzora) as this "wild rat" was called in Giriama and other northern Mijikenda dialects is roasted with skin on after the fur has been scrapped off and is usually eaten with ugali mostly. Kadzora gets caught at night in traps made with a coconut shell. Different kinds of rodents get eaten, they have mastered the art of mice delicacy to the point of identifying them from their behaviors.
2. Monkey
Believe it or not, there is culture in Kenya that eats Monkeys! The Tiriki community in Western Kenya eats the animals not only for filling their stomachs but also for medical properties like curing impotence and helping ease back ache they claim. The hunt happens in Kakamega Forest. According to a feature done by K24, the community goes to the forest armed with spears and dogs to hunt for the delicacy. Once they get the monkey, they skin the animal, remove the insides then the carcass is roasted on open fire.
3. Mopane
Mopane are sluggish caterpillars that are as colorful as they are delicious- or so I hear. They look nothing close to delicious, I see a caterpillar I think how when they crawl on you and leave you all itchy! Mijikendas eat Mopanes, according to one Giriama that I talked to…you first need to de-spine them then dry so they remove the “fat” then chop them up and fry. Like the way you fry beef.
4. Termites and Grasshoppers
The two are in the same category because both cultures: Luo and Luhya eat them. The termites though are specific ones. The ones that usually appear when it rains. With that said, it’s worth pointing out that termites’ jaws are seriously strong, so best to either bite their heads off quickly or stir-fry them dead before tucking into a few dozen.