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10 Women Reveal the Tinder Opening Line They Actually Responded to

Women Reveal the Best Tinder Opening Lines
Women Reveal the Best Tinder Opening Lines

Even if you come up with a perfect opening line to woo your Tinder match, chances are it usually won't get a response. That's because women are constantly inundated with messages from guys who think they're being clever, when in fact, they're just coming off as creepy. Most women can smell a traditional pickup line from a mile away, which is why you have to put in the extra effort when coming up with a Tinder conversation starter.

Instead of becoming one of those matches that sits idly in an empty text box, try these tips for dating app opening lines that verified ladies themselves have approved. Who knows? You might just get a drink or two out of it.

Break barriers.

We say to hell with tradition! Its nearly 2019. Time to shake things up. Put the ball in her court and encourage her to make the first move. And even more points to you if you do it with a wry sense of humor.

The best opening like I've ever heard was: 'Im bad at this, so Im going to buck the Tinder trend and let you make the first move, if thats okay.' Ann, 29.

Make a self-aware joke.

Dating apps have been around long enough for eye-rolling trends to developand she may like it if you poke fun at them.

I once had a guy first message me first with, Corny pick-up line, gif, or being asked out? It was clear he was referencing his opening line, but being the obnoxious person I am, I replied, All of them. He then did all of them. He sent me a cute gif, came up with a corny pick-up line, and asked if I wanted to grab drinks next Friday. I liked the fact [that] he was able to come up with all three, but also, in asking how he should start the convo, it acknowledges the fact that opening lines are weird for both the girl and the guy. Hayley 29.

Ask her two questions.

Women like options. We also like to feel special. Give us both by asking us two specific questions about ourselves, whether it's "So I see you like The West Wing. Do you identify more with Josh or Toby?" or "Love the photo of you in Venicewhat was the best restaurant you went to there?"

I always like when men begin with two questions. Not just any questionsquestions specific to my profile. I like when they show theyve looked past my pictures and are taking an interest in the things I have said. I prefer two questions because if I dont want to answer one, I have a second option. Brooke, 30

If you share her interests, let her know.

Let me clarify here: This doesnt mean you should mansplain what she already clearly knows. No woman likes the feeling of being spoken down to, especially from a man. But if you see shes a neuroscience researcher, and you studied neurophysiology in college, then yes, absolutely, you should lead with something that shows a knowledge of her field.

In college when I was on Tinder, I had in my bio that I was a philosophy major. This one guy managed to make puns using Plato, Kant, Descartes, and Spinoza in his opening line. I really appreciated the effort. Rose, 24

Focus on your profile over your pics.

This cannot be stressed enough. Every woman we spoke with emphasized that interest in their profile is much more important to them than interest in their photos. Make this your Golden Rule: when you send your opening message, ask about things she's written on her profile, in addition to what you can see from her photos.

The most important part, for me, is that a guy opts for my profile over my pictures. Yes, we all put up pictures that make us look attractive, but hopefully youre looking to actually talk to me, as well. Any attempt at personalization is awesome. Steer clear of the pet names. Lauren, 28

Flattery will get you...everywhere.

You don't have to be a suck-up, but a simple compliment never goes out of style. People like to feel attractive. If you combine a compliment about their physical appearance with one about their likes/interests, then youve got this in the bag.

My favorite opening line probably has to be a compliment. Not a sexual one, but one that shows I caught their attention in some way. Yes, it can be about my pictures and appearance, but nothing derogatory or implying that Im getting naked for you. Sally, 32

Use artistry.

It's 2017, but old-fashioned whimsy never goes out of style.

One guy told me an entire story about our potential first date using only emojis. On the one hand, it showed he had a lot of time on his hand, but on the other it made me smile and showed he was creative and had a sense of humor. Gabby, 30

Offering to buy her food never hurts.

Women on Tinder dont want a pen pal. We are looking for someone to date. Put it out there right away that not only are you interested, but youre going to take the initiative and ask us out. And if you make the explicit offer to buy us food, so much the better.

I like keeping it light, but also practical. Ask me something random, like Hawaiian or pepperoni? And then buy me pizza. Susan, 31

Pay attention to her photos and bio

If youre feeling her style, pay attention to her pictures. Ask thoughtful questions based on actual facts she has presented about herself. Read about her interests ad look at the activities shes engaged in in photos.

Tinder is a hellscape most of the time. I dont want to see the word 'hey.' I want to see that youve read what I wrote in my bio and are present enough to ask me about it. It makes you stand out from the crowd. We ladies get plenty of weird pick up lines from random dudes. It may seem like a low bar, but paying attention to detail goes a really long way. If shes hiking with her best friend in one of her photos, tell her how fun the hike looked. Ask if she goes hiking often. It will help you in the long run. Jasmine, 29

Don't be afraid to be vulnerable

Shes on a dating app and she doesnt expect you to be a bleeding-heart emotional mess, but that doesnt mean you cant show vulnerability. Being able to shine through as a genuine, thoughtful person will make her feel at ease.

I respond to guys who are sincerely nice, not meaning ones who refer to themselves as nice. Thats a huge red flag. I like a guy who tells me details about his life and passions right away. Showing youre not scared to open up about things in your life shows that youre not a huge tool bag, but someone worth getting to know. Just remember, tell the truth. We always know when youre lying! Gabby, 27

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