KUCCPS CEO Dr Agnes Wahome assured students that universities and colleges have declared a total capacity of 300,000 slots, exceeding the 246,391 students who qualified for higher education.
Before becoming a prominent politician, Sabina Chege’s journey was marked with determination. From working as a house help to acting, and media, she navigated numerous challenges—including an early abusive marriage. Breaking free, she rose through the ranks in broadcasting before venturing into politics, where she became a formidable leader in Parliament.
Using the currently available mix of 33 and 51-seater buses and an average capacity of 40 passengers, then 2,429 buses per hour are required to ferry passengers during peak hours
When Geoffrey Ruku received the news of his nomination as the new Cabinet Secretary for Public Service, Human Capital Development, and Special Programs, it came as a complete surprise to him.
The critical question now is whether President Ruto will proceed with his Mount Kenya tour as scheduled or whether mounting pressure from within his camp will force a change of plans.
Peter Salasya’s journey to success is a true rags-to-leadership story. From selling bicycles on the streets to becoming an MP, his path has been filled with setbacks, and victories. He has made a name for himself as a bold and vocal politician. He has openly questioned decisions and actions of certain people in power, earning him both friends and enemies in Kenya’s political space.
Shortly before the chaos, former Nyeri Town Member of Parliament Ngunjiri Wambugu took to social media to share his suspicion that hired goons had been planted to cause chaos.
Backed by a robust civil society, a generation that is alive to the power that they wield over their elected representatives and the church that is willing to play its role in promoting good governance, Kenya’s political protest landscape will never be the same again.