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5 fashion tips for big girls by Neomi Ng'ang'a

Big girls be informed.

Popular actress and fashionista Neomi Ng’ang’a  has revolutionized the world of plus size girls in Kenya.

Neomi has made it her life agenda to make sure that the confidence of this women is restored and their fashion sense upgraded.

Tje plus size model floods her Instagram timeline with stunning photos in which she is donned in stylish attires.

The fashion icon has several tips for plus size women who fight hard battle over their appearance:

1. Be bold to dress your body

Neomi believes that if you are a big girl, the faster you accept it the better because you stop comparing yourself and become confident enough to dress your body.

From her photos, the actress goes all out to make bold statements with the pieces of clothes she picks.

She advises thick women not to pick oversized clothes in order to hide but instead choose clothes that accentuate their assets.

“Confidence is very important for any woman, big or small,” she said.

2. Flaunt your features

If you have nice legs, show them off, Neomi divulges.

The stylist notes that big women have no reasons to be embarrassed about their bodies.

“If a big woman has nice boobs accentuate them. By all means, wear a wonderbra. The trick is to play with the sexiest part of your body. If you have nice legs or hips that don’t lie flaunt them,” she stated.

3. Never be a desperado

Big women have the tendency of trying to find comfort in men.

Neomi tells chunky women to always make sure that their confidence is never determined by a man.

"If a man makes fun of you and suddenly tells you to lose weight, don’t kill yourself to be a size 2 to impress him. He was aware of your flaws before he started dating you," she told a local daily.

'A man will treat you how you treat yourself'.

4. Exercise

If there is a particular part of your body, you do not like just hit the gym

Neomi opines that: “If your big tummy bothers you, or the friction on your inner thighs, make it your problem and work on it. Don’t allow it to put you down."

5. Use lots of colour

Going through Neomi’s photos, you will notice that she always wears colourful.

Colour gives you an edge in your dressing, therefore, go ahead and make use of it.

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