Drama ensued at Nairobi Central Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) after a section of irate church members turned their wrath on Pastor Jean Pierre Maywa.
A video seen by Pulselive.co.ke shows Maywa who is the church’s head pastor being roughed up as chaos break out between rival factions inside the church.
The congregation is heard screaming in shock as some take to the pulpit to defend the pastor from further harassment and blows.
Reports indicate that a meeting had been convened to discuss the fate of a faction that wants to split away from the church when chaos broke out with a section of the flock turning on the shepherd.
The rebel group, calling itself Nairobi Cosmopolitan Conference (NCC) recently lost a court case in which they were challenging the church's leadership.
Reconciliation talks were arranged to prevent a fallout but collapsed even before they started with shouting matches, bitter exchange dominating the talks before chaos broke out.
Police who moved in to contain the situation had to could not use tear gas canister ad had to talk to the members and convince them to cancel the meeting.
Witnesses recount that blows were exchanged during the heated meeting with a section of the congregation hurling bottles in the church during the fracas.