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Ukur Yattani Kanacho profile


Ukur Yattani Kanacho   occupation

Administrator, Politician

About Ukur Yattani Kanacho  

Ukur Yattani Kanacho was born on 12th March 1967. He is the Governor for Marsabit County in the Upper Eastern part of Kenya. He is a member of Orange Democratic Movement and a coalition member of Coalition for Reforms and Democracy.

In 1992 he began his career as a civil servant by joining the then provincial administration as a District Officer, for 8 years he served in this role and was tasked with the role of coordination of Government business at the District Level, Management of Disaster, maintenance of Law and Order and the articulation and subsequent dissemination of Government policies.

The skilled he gained in from this time saw him rise through the ranks to become a Senior District Officer for two years from where he was promoted in 2002 to the position of senior District Commissioner where he served in 7 different regions in Kenya.

He resigned from his position as a senior District Commissioner to contest in the 2006 North Horr By-Election, where he won and succeeded the Late Bonaya Godana as the Member for North Horr constituency.

As an Elected Member of Parliament Ambassador Ukur Yattani was appointed as and served as the Assisting Minister in the Ministry of Science and Technology in Mwai Kibaki’s regime where he was among other roles tasked to offer policy direction to the Ministry, representing the Government in local and International talks and Negotiation.

Apart from his long service in the Civil service Amb. Ukur Yattani has worked in the private sector as the Managing Director of Diraya General Construction Company. And as the Chief Executive Officer in his educational initiative of Kanacho Educational Foundation.

Between June 2009 and September 2012 was posted under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as the Kenyan Ambassador to Austria.

This position in the Kenyan Diplomatic corps gave Amb. Ukur Accreditation to Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia where Ambassador Ukur was served with the roles of promoting and protecting the interests of Kenyans Diaspora in Austria, Hungary and Slovakia and the promotion of Bilateral and Multilateral cooperation between Kenya and the countries of Accreditation.

In the Month of February 2013 Ambassador Ukur Yattani Kanacho was elected into the gubernatorial position of Marsabit where he is currently serving as its first Governor and over the past two years Mr. Ukur has been able to score an impressive list of accomplishment in making the hitherto marginalized region realize its full potential.

Ukur Yattani Commitment to the development of Marsabit region has been affirmed through his speed and the urgency with which projects have been undertaken.

Among some of his key successes so far include the provision of 8 high tech tractors equipped with modern technology for farming, the provision of Ambulances, construction of more and well stocked medical centers and the sinking of more than 20 boreholes in various regions within the vast county.

Ukur Yattani Kanacho job history

Started 2008: Founder of Diyara ltd

Started 2008: Founder of Kanacho foundation

Permanent representative of United Nations Industrial development organisation (UNIDO)

Permanent representative of Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organisation (CTBTO)

Permanent representative of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

Permanent representative of United Nations Offices (Vienna)

Kenyan Ambassador to Austria (Hungary and Slovakia)

2002 → 2006: District Commissioner of Ministry of State for Provincial Administration & Internal Security

1992 → 2001: District Officer of Ministry of State for Provincial Administration & Internal Security.

Ukur Yattani Kanacho biography

Date of birth:               12th March 1967

Name:                          Ukur Yattani Kanacho

Hometown:                  Marsabit

Status:                         Married

Ukur Yattani Kanacho education

2005: Graduated from the University of York in the United Kingdom, Masters of Arts degree in Public Administration and Public Policy.

1991: Undergraduate student at Egerton University, Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics and sociology.

1986 → 1988: Secondary School Student of Kabarnet High School (A levels)

1981 → 1985: Secondary School Student of Garbatula High School (KCE: Division 1)

Ukur Yattani Kanacho affiliation

Member of Jubilee Party after recently decamping from ODM.

Previous Political Positions

2006 – 2007: Assisting Minister in the Ministry of Science and Technology

2006 – 2007: Member of Parliament for North Horr constituency

Ukur Yattani Kanacho latest news

    Read: Marsabit County | Uhuru Kenyatta | Raila Odinga | NASA coalition  | Jubilee party

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