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3 reasons you should apply lime juice on your face
Whether taken orally or applied topically, lime has amazing skin benefits.9 signs she wants to be your girlfriend
These signs show the girl is a keeper and you should propose to her at the right time.6 foods that can give you better orgasm
Eat these foods in the bedroom to spice up your sex life.5 romantic ways to tell a guy that you like him
Here’s how to tell him how you feel and win him over in the process.Natural remedies to remove dark spots on your face
Check out home remedies that could effectively fade or permanently remove dark spots.3 home remedies for oily skin
Honey naturally absorbs excess oil which helps prevent acne.6 things you are wasting your money on
There are most likely a good amount of items in your budget that you can probably cut out completely, or at least lower your spending on.4 quick ways to grow your eyebrows naturally
Thick, well-shaped eyebrows can enhance your look, while thin and sparse eyebrows can make you look older and dull.6 decisions wives should take without consulting husbands
Check out 6 decisions you should never let your partner make for you4 ways to make up after cheating on your husband
Cheating shouldn’t end a relationship.How to do a 5-minute makeup for work
Check out tips on how to apply flawless makeup and get to work on time5 reasons why you should probably date an independent woman
More and more companies are giving<a href="" id="ba4040b8-b2a7-523e-a668-e0fc66ef6053"> women </a>leadership positions because of they have the qualifications, they are hardworking, problem solvers, and good team players.6 ways to pamper your girlfriend this Valentine’s day without spending
Low budget ideas that will make your valentine's day very memorable.6 common baby-making mistakes couples have to avoid
If you have been trying to conceive for a while you may want to know about some of the most common baby making mistakes.5 weird signs you are pregnant
Whether your pregnancy was planned or not, a lot of things happen in your body when you areRihanna’s comments about President Akufo-Addo will surely get Ghanaians talking
Rihanna impressed with Ghana's President Akufo-Addo speech at International Education Summit in Dakar, Senegal.5 simple ways to lose arm fat at home
Have you ever waved goodbye to a someone, only to realize that the extra jiggle on your arm kept swinging after your hand stopped moving?How to use egg whites to treat acne at home
Acne is a common disease that usually occurs when the oily sebaceous glands of our skin oversecrete the oily sebum to traps dust and <a href="" id="30aa4f2e-f38b-5ff5-b418-7d986a20e37f">other dirt</a>.Here are all the reasons why dating your colleague is a bad idea
If you meet your better half at your new office, take things slow, know each other and learn to separate your work from your romantic relationship.8 ways to make your girlfriend happy
Here are 8 simple ways to please your girlfriend