Dealing with token metres can be a bit of a rollercoaster ride, especially when the whole neighbourhood gets a front-row seat to the drama caused by that relentless beeping alarm.
It's like broadcasting your electricity woes to the world. Fear not, because depending on the type and model of your token metre, there's a solution to bring back some peace and quiet.
This writer got in touch with Kenya Power's customer care service on how to do it.
It is, however, worth noting that the beeping sound is meant to serve as a nudge to top up your units and it also alerts you when a heavy-usage appliance is plugged in. Turning it off could result in a major inconvenience in case you're not vigilant with tracking your usage.
In this guide, find the correct steps to follow when silencing the beeping sound on various prepaid meter models.
Hexing metre
According to Kenya Power, the Hexing metre is the most common model affixed in many Kenyan homes, and fortunately, silencing this metre is a straightforward process.
To halt the incessant beeping, simply follow these steps:
- Key in 812, followed by the hash symbol (#) or;
- Press 812 and then 'Enter'
Actaris metre
To quell the sound on the Actaris metre simply long press the 'Enter' button and that should do the trick.
However, it's worth noting that this method may not be universally effective for all metres of this model.
In cases where it doesn't work for your specific device, don't despair. Be open to exploring alternative steps recommended for other metre models.
Conlog Intech metre
If you find yourself bothered by the persistent beeping of a Conlog metre due to low unit levels, there's a straightforward solution at your fingertips.
- A single, sustained press on the hash (#) button
This handy trick ensures that you can enjoy a quieter and more peaceful environment even when your units are running low.
Shenzen metre
- First, key in 1037;
- Press the 'Enter' button three consecutive times.
Inhemeter metre
To put an end to the beeping sound on your token metre, follow these straightforward steps:
- Key in 016;
- Then proceed to press the 'Enter' button.
Nirav Star Instrument metre
For those with metres sporting the name Nirav Star Instrument, resolving the beeping issue is a breeze.
- Key in 1037;
- Follow it up by pressing the 'Enter' button three consecutive times.