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Vera Sidika on another bitter rant over claims of denying her guests food (Screenshots)

Vera Sidika's post
Vera Sidika's post

Socialite Vera Sidika has opted to square it out with critics claiming the she did not provide food to guests who graced her Baby shower over the weekend.

Ms Sidika landed in trouble with Netizens after sharing an old photo from a city Hotel with claims that their food at the Baby shower was amazing.

However, Netizens were quick to critic her lavish Baby shower stating she denied her guests food and drinks.

The allegations prompted the BeautyPreneur to clap back with no chills. In a series of posts on her Insta-stories, Vera said that she was fully aware that she had shared an old photo.

She went ahead to lecture critics with some unprintable insults for touching her raw nerve.

“Kindly go to the pic, long press it and view the old pic I personally posted myself. Then look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself if you truly deserve to be that dumb, broke low life RIF RAF. Wakenya wengi ni washamba sana. Imagine Yourself posting and old pic of someone’s good service and they claim you stole it. How does stilling a food pic help mu life”

Ms Sidika said that people were busy hating on a party they didn’t even attend.

“Haters will be at their single rooms hating on a party they did not attend. How are you not at a party and claim there was no food and drinks. And how is that your business anyway. You are in single room… claiming there is no food or drinks at a party you never attended and can never even be consider don the guest list. Unaonea tu Instagram” said Vera Sidika.

The socialite added; “If someone’s has lost their food and drinks, I’m here. Cone and demand it. Thse dirty mosquitos always taking Panadol for my headache.

They have never seen a baby shower like this is their life. They now look for fake stories to tell coz nobody cares when u not winning. They are always bothered when they see you do better than they expected. You will rot in Jealousy.”

Sidika added that rich people don’t go to parties to eat.

“An important one; Rich people aren’t hungry humans like you all haters who go to parties on empty stomach since 6am so you can eat 5 plates of pilau and feed yourself to last you a whole week”.

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