Citizen TV news anchor Lillian Muli Nzisa has responded to a question on whether she plans to have another child.
Ms Muli who had asked her followers to ask her anything via the Instagram ‘Ask Me anything’ sticker received one asking if she planned to have more kids.
“Hi Lil, Are you planning to have more kids?” which the mother of two responded to with a, “For now no.”
Mama boys went ahead to disclose that she gave birth through cesarean section, because that’s how she wanted to deliver her children.
“Did you get a c section with both of your boys or was it natural birth?” asked another fan.
Lillian Muli responded stating that; “Both were optional cesarean section”
Ms Muli however, refused to give a straight answer after several curious followers asked to know whether she was married.
The first to ask if she was married only received an “I am happy” response from the TV news anchor.
Lillian then responded to second one who wanted to know who her husband was, saying that she was sure he or she knows him if she (Muli) has one.
“It’s about time we asked you questions. Who is your husband?” asked the fan.
Lillian Muli responded; “I am sure you know him if I have one that is.”
This is not the first time Ms Muli has had to face tough questions from her followers.