Emotions ran high during the burial ceremony of Winnie Bwire, popularly known for her role as Dida on the TV show 'Sultana' with Lulu Hassan paying an emotional tribute on behalf of actors and actresses from the drama series Sultana and Maria.
Eulogizing her as a disciplined and hard-working, Lulu recounted how the actress brought the different roles that she landed to life, infusing her unique touch that made performances unforgettable.
READ: Tears flow as Winnie Bwire’s body makes final return to former school [Video]
Lulu shared that Winnie joined her company, Jiffy pictures when they launched the Sultana drama series on Citizen TV in 2021, playing the role of 'Dida.'
"She was not only exceptionally talented; she had a unique ability to infuse her characters with a blend of strength, vulnerability, and grace, making her performances unforgettable. Her talent was matched by her work ethic; her contribution to Sultana was nothing short of extraordinary," Lulu eulogized.
"Winnie was a beacon of hard work and discipline. She approached each role with a level of commitment and professionalism that set a high standard for all of us. Her dedication to her craft inspired everyone on set and pushed us to strive for excellence. Her legacy will live on through her incredible body of work and the lives she touched. While we mourn her loss, we also celebrate the remarkable person she was and the enduring impact she had on our lives." Lulu added noting that "Hers was a life well lived."
I am also a cancer survivor - Winnie Bwire's mother
During the somber event, Winnie Bwire's mother shared how the family has bravely battled breast cancer, revealing that she also fought a brave battle on that front.
"Not so many people have gone through cancer and spoken about it. They take it like a taboo. I have come to know that some of my aunties and cousins had gone through the journey and I had not known at all, out of that, they started to encourage her.
"I am a breast cancer survivor in 2015, so this journey, I know it very well." Winnie’s mother stated, adding that in her case, cancer was detected early and she was able to beat it.
READ:Winnie Bwire: Mother’s touching tribute to her only child’s battles & triumphs
Acting at an early age
She narrated how the deceased started acting at an early age saying that she started acting when she was in kindergarten."
"In her adulthood, she became aware that she was beautiful. She wanted to become a star. Her highest achievement was in 'Sultana' with her character 'Dida' and it was almost her character. She was very creative."
"Her motto was kindness and she treated everyone with kindness. She treated everyone with respect even her house managers, even the boda boda and tuk tuk guys." Mama Bwire stated.
The award-winning actress died in Turkey while battling cancer.