Police in Nakuru on Wednesday morning (February 21) arrested a middle-aged woman from Kivumbini area on suspicion of procuring an abortion and dumping the fetus in a sewage system.
Open sewer
Ms Muthoni said the fetus was discovered dumped in an open sewer in Paul Machanga area early Wednesday, and Nyaboke, a mother of two, was seen attempting to flee the scene on a motorbike after abandoning the premature baby.
Ms Muthoni says the fetus, of female gender, was estimated to be seven months old.
Nyaboke’s first born child is in Class One, while her second born is in nursery school. The second born stays with her grandmother.
Police say they will conduct DNA tests to establish whether Nyaboke was the fetus’ mother.
The fetus was moved to Nakuru County Referral Hospital mortuary.