For some people, drinking water regularly isn’t exactly their favorite thing to do so they usually opt for other alternatives – flavored water for instance.
Some prefer adding lemon into their water and it may not necessarily be because they are trying to be bougie.
1.Helps with indigestion
Lemon juice can help relieve indigestion and constipation. If you have a heavy meal, this can be a great solution to help relieve the stomach.
2.Helps treat flus and colds
Mix lemon juice, ginger and honey to help relieve a nasty cold or flu.
3.For skin care
Lemon juice is a natural antiseptic that can be used to cure skin related problems like eczema and acne.
It also acts as an anti-aging remedy to remove blackheads and wrinkles. Drinking water mixed with lemon helps give your skin a healthy glow.
4.Weight loss
Lemon water can help in weight loss. Mix it with warm water and some honey.
5.Helps fight bad breath
Lemon water can help get rid of bad breath. It contains anti-bacterial properties that kill bacteria that causes bad breath.
It also helps in teeth whitening.