Lemons can be used to get rid of numerous problems you might be encountering in your house.
1. Sink Stains
When your metallic sink start being rusty, do not replace it. However, use lemon peels and baking soda to get rid of the brown covering.
2. Bad odour in fridge
Refrigerators can really stink after storing foods for a long time.
To make your fridge have a fresh smell, wipe it with a sponge soaked in lemon juice.
3. Stained whites
You can soak your white clothes and towels in lemon juice mixed with baking soda before washing to remove stains.
4. Ants
These are the most irritating insects that can ever infest your kitchen. They come in groups and can get inside your sugar tin and make it inconsumable.
Not to worry though, as lemon got you covered. Pour lemon juice wherever the ants are and before you know it your kitchen will be ant-free.
5. Air fresheners
If you do not want to spend lots of money on air fresheners for your house, you can easily make one using lemons.
Simply, mix baking soda, lemon juice and essential oil with hot water. Stir well to dissolve the ingredient.
Let the mixture cool then pour it in a spray bottle.
There you go you have your home made air freshner.