Married couples need to know creative romantic date ideas to keep the romance going even after children come. Many a times married couples are weighed down by responsibilities which may take a toll on their relationship.
Issues like having children, work responsibilities and many other life circumstances can keep couples busy. Spouses may get lost in the parenthood responsibilities and forget about each other.
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Therefore here are some romantic date ideas to keep the fire of love burning for married couples.
1. Romantic Walks
It is a simple task but has a magnanimous effect on your love-life as a couple. Couples are encouraged to go on late night walks after work. Simply enjoying each other’s company will tighten the bond of love you two share. All you need is to be good company to each other, good surrounding and some amazing snacks and drinks to foster intimacy and tranquility.
2. Reminisce the wedding
Spend time looking at the wedding album while gulping some drinks together. This will make a perfect date night. Relationship experts advise that you go through the names of the guests that attended the wedding, and remember all the well-wishes your friends and family submitted to you on your wedding day.
3. Cooking
Relationship counselors David and Tamela Mann advise married couples to cook together in order to cement the romance between them. Try new recipes and also get cooking lessons together. Learn some new skills in the kitchen together. Having cooked up, enjoy the meal together. Cooking and eating together intensifies intimacy and the fact that you can work as a team.
4. Relive the romance
According to couples should relive the romance they first had by spending their date nights. They should revisit the place that they first met. “It is the perfect way to relight that spark that you first ever felt for one another. This will bring back so many happy memories and allow you to spend a whole night revisiting the places where it all began and looking back from then to where you are now will be so romantic,”
5. Dress up for dinner
Relationship and Marriage experts state that couples should not only dress up during anniversaries and special nights. They advise that couples should dress up for the regular date nights and ensure that they look amazing. It helps partners feel good about each other.
6. Weekend getaway
Couples should also make a time in a month where they both go for a weekend getaway. Marriage expert, Counselor and founder of Marriage Today Jimmy Evans says that couples should organize a monthly exclusive vacation. He adds that couples should leave their children with their nannies or grandparents so as to have time alone.
He further advises that the couple should go to a cottage or tranquil place where they will spend quality time together. “Married couples should use such opportunities to spark their love-life. They should resolve any quarrels and disagreements that they had between them. Furthermore they should use the get-away to strategise together on their marriage and family,” says Jimmy.
In line with going on a get-away, couples should invest in travelling together. Marriage counselors note that having an adventure together is a romantic idea that will bring you two closer than before.