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This Kenyan YouTuber is telling women to wash their husbands

If you have no idea who Lisa Gaitho is, you

Lisa Gaitho is a Kenyan vlogger, blogger and fashion designer - the brains behind Siri Studio, a Kenyan clothing line that she started with her twin sister, a fellow fashion blogger called Anita Gaitho.

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Lisa dates a Nigerian man and she moved to Nigeria to live there and be closer to her man. Now, the sassy blogger is no stranger to controversy. Sometime back, she opened a can of worms when she put up a blog post and went on about how Kenyans have no culture, compared to the Nigerians, she ranted about how our food and fashion were trash and how we have so much to learn from the Nigerians and well, that ruffled a few feathers. Lisa, being Lisa, did not apologize and stuck to her words.

Now, having moved to Nigeria, she not only comes with a Nigerian accent but also some words of wisdom in tow. The curvaceous hopeless romantic uploaded a video on her YouTube channel titled "How To Get Anything You Want From Your Man". In the video, Lisa is basically talking about submission and catering to your man to get good things in return. See, Lisa lives a lavish life, globe trotting and enjoying luxury shopping hauls. However, in the video, she admits that she cannot afford this lifestyle on her own and says that she will instead get her man to give her these things.

Some of the things she advised women to do for their men include:

1. Not arguing back.

According to Lisa, when in argument with a man, instead of shouting, breathe, keep calm and once your boo is done ranting, approach him calmly and tell him where you felt that he went wrong and how the two of you can improve.

2. Find out what your man likes to eat and cook for him.

Lisa advised women to always make sure that when your partner is hungry, it's your food that he's thinking of. Never let your man go eat in a hotel when you can cook for him. She went ahead and said that you should serve him the food in a tray, with an array of a selection of drinks such as a juice, water and soda and even open the drinks for him and keep him company as he eats, after which, you clear the table.

3. The part that got people talking was when she said that ladies should wash their men.

Not like shower together and rub each other's backs but like prepare a bath and scrub your grown ass man. According to Lisa, if you treat your man like a baby, you will get everything you need in return.

4. Praise your man and appreciate hime.

Men like it when you stroke their ego. They like to be appreciated. Text him in the middle of the day telling him that you miss him. Praise him and his work every now and then. Make him feel appreciated.

Basically, in so many words, the fashionpreneur was telling women that if they want good things from a man, they should be submissive. While there's a section of fans who agreed with her, others were not having any of that advice. Have a look at some of the comments on her YouTube video.

Shortly after, the Twitter meme gurus started sharing memes relating to men being washed and it was hilarious!

A very defensive Lisa took to her Twitter to let every troll know that she was unapologetic and..."She said what she said."

But you know, vloggers will do anything for clout and to get new subscribers so maybe she exaggerated a bit to get more views. Who knows?

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