The owner of the ill-fated Precious Talents School faulty building on Wednesday addressed members of the press concerning the tragic incident.
In a brief statement given minutes before a memorial service was held at the venue, Mr Moses Wainaina explained that he constructed the top floor to serve a growing need in the school.
"Ilibidi niinue upande huu wa juu na nikakuwa nikona classes sita chini na sita juu na hizo ndizo zilizobomoka (I was forced to extend my school building upward and that is when the top floor was constructed. I now had six classrooms on the ground floor and six classes on the top floor which caved in).
"It is quite unfortunate because the Nairobi County Government had promised to connect the school with piped water and do various other good things to upgrade the facility.
"They had already built a sewer line just near the school and they had even promised to connect us to the sewer...that could have weakened the foundation because it is barely two weeks since they dug out the trenches," Wainaina narrated remorsefully.
I had little funds for the construction - Moses Wainaina, owner of Precious Talents School
Wainaina further explained that he lacked sufficient funds to put up a permanent structure and the financial constraints dictated the quality of materials used.
"Sisi tuna udhaifu wetu, kwa sababu singeweza kuconstruct structure ngumu na kama ingekuwa leased property ningejenga na mawe kidogo kidogo (We have our own [financial] weaknesses and that is why we did not build a proper structure. Had these at least been a leased property then I'd have tried to do a semi-permanent structure).
"We didn't see any signs that the building could fall, if we had seen any sign we would have used our meagre resources to correct the faults," he stated, implying that the land the school was built on did not belong to him.
The proprietor also met with MPs from the National Assembly Education Committee and officials from KUPPET on Wednesday at the school site.
He runs the school together with his wife Freshia Wainaina who is the school administrator.
Mr Wainaina is yet to be held accountable for the accident.