Nganya Awards is an annual event seeking to award the best PSV's and personnel in the public transport industry. It involves public nominating and voting for their favourite PSV's.
Welcome to the 3rd Edition of the 2016 Nganya Awards to be held on the 3rd of December, 2016 at the KICC Court yard. The categories for this year's Nganya Awards 2016 are listed on Pollbrand.
To vote for Your favorite PSV AND PSV personel, log here
K.I.C.C. Court Yard , Nairobi, Kenya.
Kshs 500 Per Person
Follow us on our social media platforms:
Instagram: @nganyaawards
Twitter: @nganyaawards
Facebook: Nganya Awards
For Inquiries, Exhibition Spaces and More information:
Contact us on 0771 190 122.