Are you a man? Do you regularly ejaculate? Did you know that you can tell your health status from your semen?
The look, consistency, and smell of semen can tell you various things about the state of your body.
Semen contains sperm (the baby making swimmers), enzymes, vitamin C, calcium, protein, sodium, zinc and fructose sugar.
All of these can be a good indicator as to whether you're ok or not.
ALSO READ: Men with low sperm count at higher risk of getting sick
These are what different looks, textures and smells of your semen mean.
1. Bleachy smell, jelly like consistency and white/greyish colour
This is the appearance of healthy semen.
2. Brown/ red colour
This could be due to a burst blood vessel in the vesiscles.
It is no course to worry but if it persists for more than a day or two it could be a sign of cancer, infection or trauma.
3. Yellow or green colour
This could be a sign of a sexually transmitted infection.
4. No ejaculate
This could be because of a repeated orgasm. In middle-aged or older men who have undergone prostate surgery, radiotherapy it could be a sign of retrograde ejaculation
5. Watery semen
This could be an indication of low sperm count. It can be caused by hormone imbalance, infection by STIs such as gonorhhea, tumours, or swelling of veins in the testicles.